Scholz, U., Dahlhaus, R. and Roser, G.: “Acoustic Design in a Power Plant Project”, VGB PowerTech 9/98, page 67-70
Scholz, U.: “Feasibility of meeting a limit of 85 dB(A) everywhere inside a power plant”, Collected Papers from the Joint Meeting “Berlin 99”, 137th regular meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
Scholz, U. and Bauver, W.: “Measurement Method for the Low Frequency Acoustical Behaviour Inside the Exhaust System of a Combustion Turbine”, Internoise 2000, Nice
Feld, H.-J., Kudernatsch, G., Lindblom, C., Girsberger, R., Rofka, C.: “Low Noise Turbochargers”, CIMAC Congress 2004, Kyoto, Paper No. 84
Klockar, C., Prette, M., Scholz, U.: “In duct measurements: experiences and improvements”, Internoise 2009, Ottawa
Klockar, C., Prette, M., Scholz, U.: “Neue Erkenntnisse für Schall in Ansaug- und Abgassystemen von Gasturbinen“, VGB-Workshop “Noise reduction for power plants 2012
Scholz, U.: “Akustik von Abgassystemen für Gasturbinen”, G+H Schallschutzforum 2014, Frankfurt am Main, 30. April 2014