We help you to keep noise under control
One corner stone in our strategy is to use a problem solving approach and not let a limitation of the existing methods decide the procedure, when no given methods are appropriate a new one may be developed and applied.
Our services include acoustical optimization of product design, support with acoustic design in industrial project planning, permitting and execution, building acoustics, room acoustics, sound design and sound quality and a wide variety of measurements of sound and vibrations.
We work with the latest software tools and measurement equipment. For new applications the engineers of PRO-ACOUSTICS GmbH have successfully developed new problem-specific measurement methods.
Acoustics start with the hearing. Our ears are our most important tool on each job. They are not calibrated but have many years of experience. Of course we haven’t heard everything yet and we’re still being surprised.
For noise propagation calculations outdoor PRO-ACOUSTICS GmbH uses the latest version of the commercial noise propagation software Cadnaa. PRO-ACOUSTICS GmbH has used this software for more than 30 years and the program has used input data from specialists at PRO-ACOUSTICS to further develop the program.
For noise propagation calculations indoor PRO-ACOUSTICS uses the software Odeon.
Measurements: PRO-ACOUSTICS uses standard class 1 sound level meters and calibrators.
Furthermore, the analyser Soundbook with an 8-channel input is frequently used for more complex measurements of sound and vibrations.
A sound intensity probe from Gfell and an analyser software at the Soundbook enables us to measure sound intensity according to ISO 9614.
Several microphone types and vibration pick-ups are at our disposal, including a sensitive 3-axial pick-up.
A high temperature probe up to 580°C with calibration systems are used for measurements in media with high temperature / high volume flow.
Industrial Acoustics
Noise and vibration control in industrial applications
Abatement of sound and vibration transmission between construction elements
Finding the right sound quality in classrooms, offices, function rooms and churches
Furthermore …
we love a challenge